Klasik 400 Development Chart

Klasik 400 Development Chart

Historical Information

Klasik 400 is a classic black-and-white film that has been expertly respooled from fresh Foma 400 stock. Known for its high silver content, this film provides rich, deep blacks, brilliant whites, and a wide range of grays, making it ideal for traditional black-and-white photography. Produced in the Czech Republic by Foma Bohemia, this film embodies the quality and heritage of European film manufacturing, offering a perfect balance of fine grain and sharpness.

Klasik 400 is versatile and reliable, with an ISO rating of 400, allowing it to perform well in a variety of lighting conditions. Whether you’re shooting portraits, landscapes, or street photography, Klasik 400 delivers consistent results with a classic look that film photographers love. With its 24-exposure format, it’s perfect for both casual shooting and serious photography projects.

Developer Dilution ISO Rating Development Time Temperature Agitation Notes/Results
D-76 1:1 400 9 min 20°C (68°F) 30 sec initial, 5 sec/min Balanced contrast, fine grain
HC-110 Dilution B (1:31) 400 7 min 20°C (68°F) 5 sec every 30 sec Higher contrast, slightly more grain
Rodinal 1:50 400 12 min 20°C (68°F) 10 sec initial, 5 sec/min Increased acutance, noticeable grain
Diafine Stock 800 4+4 min (A+B) 20°C (68°F) No agitation after initial Pushed ISO, lower contrast, fine grain
Ilfotec DD-X 1:4 400 10 min 20°C (68°F) 10 sec every minute Smooth tonality, controlled highlights
Stand Dev. (Rodinal) 1:100 400 60 min 20°C (68°F) Minimal (30 sec at start) Pronounced grain, expanded tonal range

* Adjust development times based on your specific results. Klasik 400 may exhibit different characteristics depending on the developer and processing conditions, so experimentation is encouraged to achieve the desired effect.